Published On: 9 mei 2014

Kenny Vandueren will make his debut this weekend in Talavera de la reina on the WILVO Forkrent STR KTM in the EMX300 class. For him it will be his first race this season after he injured his arm in the preparations. We had a short chat with Vandueren…

Kenny, what went wrong this winter? 
KV103: In January during the preparation I had a hard fall in Grevenbroich during training and broke my upper arm. I immediately drove to Antwerp to Geert Peersman, who operated on me and whom I would also like to thank for the good care! It was a complex fracture, spiraling from the shoulder to the elbow.


Are you completely fine now?
KV103: The driving is going in the right direction, but I still feel it a bit. I have had a tough rehabilitation of three months and am still training with physiotherapist Bert Driesen and Lieven Maesschalck. It's improving week by week so everything will be fine again!

Why the choice for the European Championship 300?
KV103: After a serious fall with my head in Sweden, I wasn't sure if I would ever ride again... But after I got good news from the doctor, I couldn't resist, so I decided to take a step back and since I'm already 24 years old and I didn't really like the EKMX2 anymore. Then I saw that the emx300 class was coming and it immediately appealed to me! Plus with this bike I can also start in the Belgian Championships, so that is also an advantage.

How does the engine drive?
KV103: We have been busy testing in the sand in recent weeks and last week in France. I am very satisfied with the bike and feel really good on it, in the beginning it took a lot of getting used to going back to two strokes. Because the engine is also lighter, some adjustments had to be made, but with the support of Jacky Martens, I now have the suspension perfect and I am having a great time!

Which previous motorcycles can you best compare this with?
KV103:I can't really compare it because the power is completely different from a branched, which I have driven in recent years. These were also further along in development, but because it is a 300 you have a lot of torque at the bottom and you can do a lot with it, unlike the four-stroke. But you still have to drive aggressively to maintain speed.


What are the ambitions this year?
KV103:Especially being able to grow during the season and give myself time to get back into rhythm, and then the results will come automatically. I hope for a top 3 place somewhere, but I don't really focus on one place but rather on being able to finish the year well without injuries. That's my priority!
Already driven to Talavera? do you like the circuit?
KV103: Yes, I have ridden there a few times in the past with the European MX2 Championship, it really is a beautiful circuit and I really enjoy riding it, so I am really looking forward to being back at the start this weekend, after almost a year. to stand after my fall in Sweden with those brain haemorrhages.

A word of thanks to the people who still support me and make this possible: my parents, Steve turner KTM wilvo forkrent team, Dam racing, Joos weyland, Garage Liekens, Delhaize Beringen, Jacky Martens.

Photos CDS