Published On: 20 april 2014

HThe ONK on King's Day Saturday 26 April in Axel, will come up with a schedule that deviates slightly from what was seen in previous ONKs. This is due to licensing technical rules that do not allow RES Axel to tolerate more than 40 pilots on the track. For this reason, the club and the KNMV were forced to find a solution. A solution that was found in splitting all training sessions into two groups, with the exception of the MX1 class.

'A solution that would not have been possible without the help of the KNMV and our volunteers who always want to give 110% for a wonderful day,' says Ad Colijn of RES Axel.

Training starts at 9.00:XNUMX am
09.00 Free & Time Training 85cc group 1 3 start + 5 free +20 Time Training
09.30 Free & Time Training 85cc group 2 3 start + 5 free +20 Time Training
10.00 Free & Time Training 125cc group 1 3 start + 5 free +25 Time Training
10.35 am Free & Time Training 125 cc group 2 3 start + 5 free +25 Time Training
11.10 am Free & Time Training MX2 group 1 3 start + 5 free +25 Time Training
11.45 am Free & Time Training MX2 group 2 3 start + 5 free + 25 Time Training
12.20 Free & Timed Training MX1 3 start + 5 free + 25 Timed Training
12.55 Break
13.15 pm 1st round ONK 85 cc 20 min+2r.
13.45 pm 1st round ONK 125 cc 25 min+2r.
14.20 pm 1st round ONK MX 2 30 min+2r.
15.00 p.m. 1st round ONK MX1 30 min+2r.
15.40 pm 2nd round ONK 85 20 min+2r.
16.10 pm 2nd heat ONK 125 cc 25 min+2r.
16.45 pm 2nd round ONK MX 2 30 min+2r.
17.20 pm 2nd round ONK MX 1 30 min+2r.
18.00:XNUMX PM End of Competition and Ceremony.