Gaming is more alive than ever among motocrossers, thanks to the release of MXGP the game. However, this is not the only crazy motocross game on the market. For example, MxSimulator Already more than 15 players worldwide and this number is increasing every day. And you know what's so great about this game? Everyone can go here unlimited and free circuits, add outfits and motorcycles to complete the game. Such is the French-speaking community started replicating the Belgian masters of motocross.
What can we expect from this project? That we get some new fun circuits in the game and can organize a great Belgian championship. In any case, the circuits will be great! The base of the Shanks sand quarry circuit in Mont-Saint-Guibert has already been completed! Of course we all know that the circuit is not the same in Pierreux two years in a row, so Maxime Bourut, the creator of the circuit, decided to base it on the 2013 version. You can view some screenshots of the circuit in the gallery below.
Of course, this is not the only championship in MxSimulator. For example, there will soon be an MXGP season for the Europeans with replicas of the GP circuits and a European supercross season is currently underway with AMA replicas. So if you have always wanted to have a blast on courses like Anaheim and Las Vegas, then you should quickly surf to Regarding the GPs, we will have to wait a little longer for more news, but we can already give you a tour of the Qatar circuit!
Text: Frederik “VePix” Van Eeckhoven