Published On: 25 maart 2014

DThe second race for the Dutch Open Championship was held in Mill. Sahkar rider Jago Geerts managed to set a 2nd time in the timed training. When the starting gate fell for the first manche, Jago got away less, he was in 8th place. Jago quickly came forward and was soon behind Roan vd Moosdijk who was in first place at that moment. Geerts and Moosdijk were busy fighting each other until Jago made a mistake and fell. Jago took no more risks and finished the race in a neat 2nd place. In the second manche Jago Geerts came out of the starting gate in 5th place, but he was soon in the lead. Sahkar Ktm rider was able to extend the lead and was the first to cross the finish line and thus also won the daily classification in Mill.

In the Open Dutch Championship, Jago Geerts is in 3rd place.
Photo: Frederik '' Van Eeckhoven