Er more than 2500 people participated in our mxmag/acerbis end of year competition. Koen Coolens can call himself the big winner. Because he is the lucky one who will receive an Acerbis paddock tent to take home. This because he answered the qualifying question best. Besides him, there are 50 more people who have won. Everyone in the list below will be contacted soon to receive their prize.
The winners
An Acerbis paddock tent of 3X3m
Koen Coolens
1 purchase voucher of €75
Lydia Broquet
Mary Lange
1 purchase voucher of €40
Nadine Petit
Natasja Uytterhaegen
1 purchase voucher of €15
Milan Verschelden
Stephanie Munoz
Christiana Eeraerts
Julie Renders
Bernard Dieryck
Stephanie Marcelis
Pierre Muller
Willy De Ryck
Fanny Vanwinge
Jeremy Hanart
A cap with the logo embroidered on it.
Tom DePauw
Jimmy Vanslembrouck
Pierre Jourdan
Peter Van Bree
Ghislaine Degreve
Jean-Michel Mortier
Paul Lievens
Frederique Geyskens
Willy Evelette
Michael Cornet
A T-shirt with the MxMag. logo printed on it.
Jerome Vandendyck
Dieter Herpoelaert
Jeannine Legrand
Claudine Dechamps
Sebastien Gaillard
Stéphanie Vande Broeck
Fanny Vanwinge
Christine Rosier
Nancy Decker
Noelle Verbraeken
Ann Van Eenaeme
Alex Devalck
Geoffrey Scardina
Annick Van Eenaeme
Claire Germain
Ariel Lorphevre
Alain Marchal
Didier Verhoeven
Greta Fransen
Marjolaine Vandendaele
Yannick Mattheessens
Cedric Sibyl
Jonathan Tampere
Jolien Meysmans
Michael Braspenningx