Published On: October 24, 2013

NAfter the impressive success (1.100 viewers in Den Bosch), Living For The Weekend made its grand debut in Utopolis Lommel. All seats were sold out. Jean-Paul Maas and Nick Janssen came to introduce their brainchild in every room. Jean-Paul Maas: “With the film, we are trying to give motocross the attention it deserves. The newspapers only had a few lines about the Belgian victory in the MXDN. Motocross deserves better. Secretly, I hope that the film will transcend the motocross audience.”

Then the spectator was immersed in motocross. From small (VD Moosdijk) to large (Herlings). From youth riders in training to the preparation of the professional. The rider in daily life, parents of youth riders and the right way to deal with them. Furthermore, beautiful action images, verbal battles between top riders (never seen before), the same riders demonstrating their solidarity in the MXDN.

The topics that were our personal preference:
– the moment Peter Herlings learns that son Jeffrey almost dies in an accident;
– the moving story of the Van Mierlo family and their unwavering passion for the sport;
– JVH who is concerned with redress at KDD;
– the Belgians in particular enjoyed the last ten minutes when the MXDN was highlighted.

Text: Leon van Gestel Photo: CDS