Hhe weekend of 19 and 20 October, the gravel pit was in trouble again. No sooner had everything been repaired from the previous destruction than vandals once again smashed the canteen of MC Maasland to pieces. “Windows were smashed, chairs flew outside and the fire extinguisher changed position,” sighs grounds manager Henri Noukens. Bricks were scattered here and there and the cupboards were clearly ransacked. The track commissioners, for their part, can look for new material at a future reopening. But perhaps worst of all, several rare champion jerseys were stolen this time. This means that another piece of Neeroeterse sporting history has been lost. Although there is hope that the perpetrators will be caught soon. After all, the police were quickly on the scene and had a special team conduct a forensic investigation.
“When the pebble quarry was still open, Leefbaar Waterloos called the police for the smallest fart in a bottle, now that real criminal acts are happening all the time, of course you don't hear anything,” says an affected Noukens. It cannot be denied that the pebble quarry has been de facto declared an outlaw, partly due to the uninterested attitude of the city council. The consequences are there. We already wrote it, the site is increasingly becoming a place of destruction now that the place of the sports fan has been taken by ragged crap. That must be the case in a 'livable Waterless', right?
Text: Kevin Moonen