Published On: September 20, 2013

Motocross and Off-Road enthusiasts, start your engine and come to the 6th edition of the KTM Day in Veldhoven on Sunday, October 19. On this day you can enjoy a particularly spectacular program in which motocross competitions, X-treme enduro, Off Road and various demonstrations alternate. Get to know the best MX event in the Netherlands and put this date in your agenda. Participant or Visitor? Action, experience and fun are guaranteed.
What about:

MMotocross competitions in the 50, 65, 85cc and Open class MX2/MX1 (with GP toppers such as Ken (bring it) the dycker on the KTM Freeride-E (Electro bike) and Jake Nicholls, talents Brian Bogers/Davy Pootjes and many others). Pre-registration for the cross competitions is mandatory! The registration form can be found on the KTM Day website. Extreme Enduro Race with, among others, Dakar rider Frans Verhoeven, 8-time Dutch Enduro Champion Hans Vogels, Amel Lawyer and all-rounder Alex van de Broek.

POLARIS BUGGY cross with Dakar celebrities, among others Gerard de Rooy, Erik van Loon, Jan Lammers and ex-World Motocross Champion Jackie Martens. Gymkhana with a MAN truck from Becx TDS Racing, Wow………… Spectacle! Gers Pardoelen will not jump on the back of his bike this day, but will actively participate in a beautifully designed OFF ROAD ride on one Eddy Lemmens Motorsport KTM . This Off Road ride is open to all brands of motorcycles and will take you over farmlands, forests and part of the military training area. Off Road riders can register on the day itself. Pre-registration is not necessary/possible.
Besides the track you can enjoy music, good food/drinks and a playground and mini cross track (quads) for the children.

The orange 'Red Knight' Ken De Dycker will also be present at the KTM day!

For a look behind the scenes you can Wilvo Negaan JM Racing Team, HSF Logistics Motorsport Team, Stabilo Progrip MX Team of Hannamax Red Bull KTM Team view up close. For the best overview of the event, take the Helicopter flight (reduced price). An experience you will never forget. And in which outfit will “Kiske the Omroeper” surprise us this year?
After an exciting day you can relax in the large party tent Alex van de Broek will give a breathtaking trial demonstration. The awards ceremony also takes place here and the KTM day traditionally concludes. Entrance to this event is completely FREE. Address: Landsardseweg 45, 5657 AB Eindhoven. For more information: or call Eddy Lemmens Motorsport 0031 (0)40-2535558
Start time: early  End: when the last one left.
See you on Sunday October 6!

Forum: KTM/CDS/Bavo Swijgers