Published On: 20 juli 2013

DThe Plaza Las Ventas in Madrid can be considered the birthplace of FMX. This is where the X-fighters originated and where history has been written several times. Yesterday was no exception during the last stop of the X-fighters tour. Due to Josh Sheehan's injury, Pages was already crowned champion before he even got on his bike, but that did not bother the Frenchman. With a formidable run in the final, Pages ended his season in style. He won ahead of Taka Hagashino and Chilean Javier Villegas. Super favorite and home rider Danny Torres was already eliminated in the first round. Below you can watch Pages' formidable final run.

Tom Pagès remporte l'étape Madrilène des X… by MaChaineSport

Photo: Jorg Mitter – Red bull content pool