Saturday, May 25, RES 5 was held. The groundskeepers had started preparing the circuit early and it was in good condition.
Efinally dry and sunny, after all that rain.
Match report 5e RES competition May 25, 2013
Double victory for the RES volunteers.
Various motocross associations unfortunately had to cancel their competitions this weekend. If not in Axel, the RES crew did it again. With hard work, many hands, years of experience and some cleverness, there was a perfectly dry circuit. This proves once again that if we say: “it can be driven well”, then it can be driven well. We were therefore able to welcome several guest riders from different associations who wanted to participate in a competition this May weekend. The RES has invested in new machines to prepare the circuit. These machines are specially made for the Axel situation and that gives returns.
In the smallest class, the 65cc, it was busier than normal. This was, for example, due to guest rider Nate van Tatenhove from Zelzate, who normally competes in the VJMO for the team Samen Sterk from Wachtebeke. In the first series Nate managed a nice 2e to get a place and with a 4e place in the 2e series gave him that a 4e place in the final results. Youth MX member Luca Dhanis had to uphold the family honor alone this weekend, he did this creditably with a 4e and a 2e place in the series. Which puts him in 2nd place overalle place ended. But the best cup in this class of course went to Avo Tack with 2 measured series victories.
Result 65cc:
1 Avo Tack Oostrozebeke
2 Luca Dhanis Terneuzen
3 Britt van Muylem Herzele
4 Nate van Tatenhove Zelzate
5 Jesse Rosiers Booischot
The 85cc class was a small group. This time with a measured victory twice for Bart Klijn, who won by a distance ahead of Aron van de Veer. It was trial and error for our Rutger de Rijcke, from the Youth MX team. At the start of the last lap he fell in the first corner, but I have never seen him get back on his bike so quickly, because the number 2 Micha Jansen had passed him. He rode the lap of his life, because after three quarters he was already past Micha Jansen. A 5e place total was his share today.
Result 85cc:
1 Bart Klijn Ouddorp
2 Aron van de Veer Herkingen
3 Ryan Bonnewijn Bellingen
4 Rutger de Rijcke Terneuzen
5 Micha Jansen Vlissingen
MX2 2-stroke:
The MX2-2 stroke class was again nicely filled with 19 riders with license holders and amateurs mixed together. There were 2 series of victories for Jordan-Lee van Maren. This skipper's son from Vlissingen is doing well, for the first time this year on a 125cc machine and there is still a lot of progress in this boy. He is supported by the Ovaa brothers who teach him the tricks of the trade. This can also be said of Guido Boone from Oost-Souburg, who won among the non-license holders. Nice class, with many Youth MX members where the start is very important because the differences are not that big.
MX2 2 stroke amateur results:
1 Guido Boone East Souburg
2 Robin Colembie Halle
3 Aswin van Damme Zuiddorpe
4 Gerard van Wanrooy Vlissingen
5 Wilko de Booy Walsoorden
Results MX2 2 stroke Licensees:
1 Jordan-Lee van Maren Vlissingen
2 Dylan Laenen Gingelom
3 Tom Cortvriendt Axel
The veterans have 16 riders at the gate. Patrick Piessens, the man from Heikant on one of the few Kawasakis in the field, takes the lead twice and no one sees him again. This is a nice class. Many veterans who see each other again and have lost nothing in their fanaticism as long as the body allows it.
Result Veterans:
1 Patrick Piessens Heikant
2 Bart Mangnus Bird value
3 Joost Serrarens Lamswaarde
4 Peter Hemelaer St-Niklaas
5 Franky van Eecke Zedelgem
MX2 4 stroke:
With around 26 riders at the start, the MX2-4-stroke class is the busiest at the RES. With the 2 MCLB inters Jordi v/d Wiele and Kevin Reynaert it gives a nice spectacle. They ride wheel to wheel and shoulder to shoulder every Sunday and they continue that at the RES competitions. Gian Scheele, who was also leaving due to the cancellation at the MCLB, managed to seize a nice 3e place.
In the 2e series there was a beautiful battle with Michael Bruyninckx, Joeye Verwijs, GianCarlo Buys and Martijn Roos. These 4 made it a great competition and showed why motocross is such a great sport. Youth MX member Martijn Roos is in excellent shape at the moment and the physical training is clearly paying off. He fights, doesn't give up and that is wonderful to see for the average spectator.
MX2 4 stroke amateur results:
1 Joost Gruben Axel
2 Dimitri Dekker Zandstraat
3 Gerry de Rijcke Beveren
4 Sven Goossen East Eeklo
5 Stijn van Rijselberghe Lede
Results MX2 4 stroke Licensees:
1 Jordi v/d Wiele St. Jansteen
2 Kevin Reynaert Wortegem
3 Gian Scheele Zaamslag
21 riders in the queen class the mx1.
Here also licenses and amateurs mixed up. With Kevin van Houdt, the man from Axel, on a 125cc machine between the 450-4t, which is nice to see how Kevin manages to hold his own and keeps the 125 wide open. As a result, he won 2 series among the amateurs. Boy Stockman had in the 1e series had a wake-up call because things were just going well. He recovered from this in the 2nd series by taking the holeshot and keeping this up for 4 laps. Gaetan van de Bossche managed to take the victory among the license holders.
On to the 6e RES cross of 2013, Saturday June 8th.
Photos from Ronny
Photos from MX Zeeland
Photos from Dirk
Photos from Paul
Photos from Vepix
Photos from Bertje
Photos from Folko
Photos from Jonas
Click here for the full results.
With sporty greetings,
RES Axel.