Published On: 23 maart 2013

IIn Oldebroek, where the second round of the ONK took place today, the 'usual suspects' were once again in power. Bobryshev (1-1) won convincingly in the MX1, Jeffrey Herlings did the same in the MX2. With Romain Febvre in second and Glenn Coldenhoff in third, it was again a complete MX2 podium in Oldebroek.

In the MX1, Jeremy Van Horebeek showed that he is (almost) back to his old self. In series 1 the Kawa factory rider finished second, in the second series he swapped positions with Tanel Leok. On equal points in the final standings, Kevin Strijbos finished fourth together with Rui Goncalves. Max Nagl (6-6) was also clearly on the mend after his stomach problems in Qatar and Thailand. Jens Getteman (7-7) rode regularly and finished very nicely in 7th ahead of Gert Krestinov  and Yentel Martens. For Marc De Reuver, Oldebroek was a disappointment. In the first heat he finished 8th despite being sorely poor, but he gave up in the second heat.

Series 1 MX1
1 bobryshev 2 v horebeek 3 leok 4 strijbos 5 goncalves 6 nagl 7 getteman 8 de reuver 9 justs 10 jorgensen10 bengtsson 11 krestinov 12 martens 13 lynggaard 14 soderstrom 15 tiainen 16 lethla 17 verhoeven 18 barragan 19 sad 20 reijnders

Series 2 MX1
1 bobryshev 2 leok 3 vhoorbeek 4 goncalves 5 strijbos 6 nagl 7 getteman 8 krestinov 9 martens 10 bengtsson 11 barragan12 verhoeven 13 tiainen 14 sad 15 justs 16 lonka 17 reijnders 18 v dueren 19 soderberg 20 soderstorm

Series 1 MX2
1 Herlings 2 Febvre 3 Klein Kromhof 4 Nicholls 5 Lupino 6 Coldenhoff 7 Kullas 8 Petrov 9 Heibye 10 Harrows 11 Kras 12 V 13 Nijenhuis 14 De Waal 15 Albers 16 Graulus 17 Olsen 18 V Berkel 19 Rauchenecker 20 Ratsep

Series 2 MX2
1 Herlings 2 Tixier 3 Coldenhoff 4 Nicholls 5 Febvre 6 Lupino 7 Kromhof 8 Petrov 9 Harrows 10 Folkers 11 Folkers 12 Van Doninck 13 Albers 14 Heibye 15 Bogers 16 Justs 17 Rauchenecker 18 V Berkel 19 Olsen 20 Kras

Photos: Honda Pro Racing