Published On: 5 maart 2013

Ea few weeks ago we got it news to hear that the Finland circuit in Westdorpe must make way for a hypermodern recycling company. This sudden and shocking news made us ask a few questions: why, is there a future at a new location, will there be a farewell cross? With those questions in mind, we called Mr. Eric Stoutjesdijk, chairman of the Finland circuit.

MXM: To what extent did you see this coming?

E. Stoutjesdijk: The closure of the Finland circuit has been coming for some time. The land was sold to De Feijter Group last year. This company went bankrupt before it took over the circuit. The Beelen Group then bought the land, this was in the winter last year. Fortunately for us, we were allowed to borrow their site, so we were able to stay open for another year and look for alternatives.

There have already been a number of discussions prior to that search, has anything resulted from this yet?

There is nothing concrete yet, there are a number of site proposals on the table and some have already been passed. It is not easy to find a terrain that is suitable for a motorized sport like motocross. It is not certain that a new site will be created, but it is also not certain that there will be no more. It will be hard work and searching. Fortunately, we have the municipality on our side. They do not assist in the search for a location, but if a suitable location is found, they are prepared to commit 100%.

There has been a lot of racing on the Finland circuit, but what was the highlight for you?

Actually, the 13 years we have been open are one big highlight. The circuit was always busy and everyone had a good time. It also met a great need. Anyone who wanted to pursue their hobby could come to us and have fun. If I have to choose something specific, I would go for the 'Special day' that we organized annually. People with disabilities then had the opportunity to make a few laps on the circuit, year after year this was a great day for all those present. Another highlight are the KTM test sessions. They then rented the entire circuit to get their engines in tip top condition in peace and secrecy.

Will there be another farewell cross?

That chance is small. The circuit has to close on March 31 and such a competition requires a lot of preparation. There is a lot involved in a competition, and it is difficult to arrange everything in such a short time. There is a good chance that we will do something different.

And if an organization offers itself?

Then he will have to present himself quickly. A different permit is required for a competition than for training. Of course, these applications take some time and that is something we don't have enough of at the moment.

Finally, who else do you want to thank?

First and foremost the Hemelsoet family, they were there from the very beginning and gave of themselves completely. Thanks to them, everyone was able to practice their hobby in a safe and pleasant way. Of course also all other volunteers and people involved in various events. Not only the people on the field, but also the people behind the scenes. And actually also De Beelen Group. In principle, they could have closed the circuit last year. Yet they have given us an extra year to look for an alternative. It is a pity that we are victims of their economic success and will to grow. Still, I wouldn't want to portray them as the bogeyman.
