What harsh and angry wet winter weather this year.
Unfortunately, a lot of rain often spoiled the plans at the end of 2012 and the beginning of 2013. Despite well-planned and well-executed site preparation, we were unable to open the training afternoons several times due to heavy rain. Force majeure that no one can do anything about.
However; an exciting, busy & successful 2012 is over.
2012 brought us wonderful MX races, fortunately without 1 cancellation.
Toppers were, in addition to the RES club crosses, the Finale OZK, RES 2 & 3 hour cross, BMB, UMC, FPCNA, and of course the TM of Nations where the TM family from the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and many other international countries led the way for a whole weekend. to Axel for a day of racing with bad weather conditions, during which not a single angry word was uttered. Everyone just started, even the oldtimers, respect!
NOf course we can't forget May 2012, our first ONK organization in Axel. It was very exciting, but fortunately everything went well and we certainly want more. Unfortunately not in Axel on the calendar for 2013, but we hope to organize this competition again in 2014.
We closed 2012 on December 23 with the ATB competition on the RES circuit, with the organization of Youth MX team ZeeuwsVlaanderen and Sports Center Delta. No fewer than 130 participants, many of them in the MX class. This ATB competition will also be on the calendar in December 2013.
At the beginning of 2013 we also had 5 extra training afternoons on Sundays.
The 5th and last Sunday is scheduled for next weekend (February 17).
It was decided to drive the track the other way around during the winter period, which was well appreciated by the riders. It's something different, the same job, but different.
For the competition season it has been decided (as of Sunday February 17) to return to the normal direction. The entire circuit and the ramps/tables will be thoroughly updated.
Such an extra training day is always an extra burden for our large team of RES volunteers who often worked on the site early in the morning or sometimes until late in the evening.
Fortunately, everyone enjoys it and we can always count on this group. Of course, thanks again to everyone for their efforts.
For those who didn't know yet; The AMB transponder loop is connected on all training days. So for everyone with a transponder; mount it during your training and you can view your training times on “Mylaps Practice”. Still, it's always fun to follow your progress.
The hose-down area will also be at your disposal (except during frost periods).
It's always nice to take your motorcycle home clean.
We still have the RES calendar for 2013.
Club competitions:
Saturday February 23 RES Clubcross 1 from 11.00 a.m. - 18.00 p.m
Saturday March 2 RES Clubcross 2 from 11.00 a.m. - 18.00 p.m
Saturday March 16 RES Clubcross 3 from 11.00 a.m. - 18.00 p.m
Saturday April 6 RES Clubcross 4 & TM Cup from 11.00 a.m. – 18.00 p.m.
Saturday, May 25, RES Clubcross 5 from 11.00 a.m. to 18.00 p.m
Saturday, June 8, RES Clubcross 6 from 11.00 a.m. to 18.00 p.m
Saturday, August 17, RES Clubcross 7 from 11.00 a.m. to 18.00 p.m
Saturday October 26 RES Clubcross 8 from 11.00 a.m. - 18.00 p.m
Saturday, November 2, RES Clubcross 9 from 11.00 a.m. to 18.00 p.m
The RES club cross registrations start; 10.00am in the canteen.
Participation is possible for everyone who has a KNMV district license.
Reserving a starting number is possible via the RES site or Click here
New class division RES club horses:
65 cc large and small wheels daily classification cups for the first five
85 cc large and small wheels daily classification cups for the first five
MX2 – 2 stroke up to 150 cc daily classification cups for the 1st five amateurs daily classification cups for the 1st three license holders
MX2 – 4 stroke daily classification cups for the 1st five amateurs daily classification cups for the 1st three license holders
MX1 – 2 stroke and 4 stroke daily classification cups for the 1st five amateurs daily classification cups for the 1st three license holders
Veterans aged 40 and over daily classification cups for the first five veterans
With this we hope to breathe a breath of fresh air into the RES event.
Click here for all RES clubcross info.
The annual RES 12- & 2-hour cross will take place on Saturday, October 3 between 9.00:18.00 AM and XNUMX:XNUMX PM.
Other competitions:
Easter Monday, April 1 BMB competition from 9.00:18.00 am to XNUMX:XNUMX pm
Saturday, May 4, FPCNA competition from 9.00:18.00 AM - XNUMX:XNUMX PM
Ascension Day May 9 UMC competition from 9.00:18.00 am - XNUMX:XNUMX pm
Pentecost Monday, May 20 BMB competition from 9.00:18.00 am - XNUMX:XNUMX pm
Saturday, June 15 FPCNA competition from 9.00:18.00 AM - XNUMX:XNUMX PM
Saturday, June 22, KNMV NK competition from 9.00:18.00 AM - XNUMX:XNUMX PM
Saturday September 21 OZK 3 match from 9.00:18.00 am - XNUMX:XNUMX pm
On Saturday, May 18, the cyclists of the International Junior Three Days will use our accommodation again.
The time trial starts at 10.00 a.m. from a podium in front of the canteen, towards Lageweg.
For all information regarding RES motocross Axel: Click here
Also take a look at our live webcam.
You can also follow our messages via Facebook en Twitter.
In short; we are ready again.
Let's hope that the weather will improve a bit, so that we can make it a beautiful and sporty 2013 for everyone.
With sporty greetings,
RES Axel.