Published On: December 1, 2012

MI went to the Sportpaleis with mixed feelings. It NITRO CIRCUS would perform tricks on the motorcycle or other equipment. I was skeptical about it. Been there, done that, or just call it blasé. My 7-year-old grandson had watched the trailer on YouTube dozens of times. Actually, I did it for him. Eat a thick steak in the “meat district” of the city beforehand and then take the shuttle to the venue. There were people. The room was actually packed.

The announcement was made right on time. Travis pastrana I myself would not participate. Tant-pis, I'll see, just start now. Luckily I was distracted by my boyfriend, who was screaming his lungs out in response to the speakers. Well, he enjoyed it, so goal achieved. And then the world was turned upside down. Literally and figuratively! The limits of physics and gravity were challenged on a trottinet, a pair of roller skates, a racing bike, and on ski slats. The principles still remained intact, because what goes up, must come down. Only the manner in which it was done differed quite a bit from what a person thinks possible. I was grabbed by the throat by a bunch of daredevils, who threatened to break their necks with every stunt. That could count as a warm-up. Immediately afterwards the bikes came into action.

I've seen a lot, but this was – forgive me – ballet at a high level. One bike train after another passed by. And yes, we had great – no, I would say the best – seats. For a full hour I became increasingly captivated by a never-before-seen spectacle. The break was welcome. First piss, then something to drink, it was high time. Part two became the grand finale. The pace slowed, but what we saw defied the imagination. A man in a wheelchair just did “insane” things with his cart. A refrigerator box also turned out to be a means of transport. A bunch of BMX riders cheered each other on to incredible stunts. With some trains as a warm-up, we arrived at the highlight of the FMX: the double backflip. But to be honest, I already had an adrenaline overdose in the first part. It was just too much for someone my age who thinks he's had it. This was a unique experience for me. The highlights and the number extreme athlete stars was barely keeping up; Josh Sheehan (Double backflip), Chad Kagy (BMX), Cam Sinclair, Adam Jones, Bilko, Special Greg, Jolene Van Vugt and so on

I will close with some conclusions: there are 10.423.353 fellow countrymen who have not seen the NITRO CIRCUS. They will get a second chance next year on Sinterklaas Eve. Although I think the 15.000 on Friday will all come out. My grandson had the evening of his young life. He was already asleep when we drove out of the parking lot. Gilles De Jong As a Belgian, he pulled his string among the absolute FMX top. In terms of spectacle value, this is the best thing I have experienced in recent years. And finally: just google it Aaron Fotheringham. Or watch the clip below. Doing!

Tekst: Leon Van Gestel
Photos: CDS