VToday we received the good news that Mc Maasland was proven right on all counts by the Tongeren criminal court (Note 66.97.528-01). Both the urban planning inspector of the Flemish region (Responsibility Flemish minister Muyters (N-VA)) and the Leefbaar Waterloos fighters are thus biting the dust with the lawsuit they started against the Neeroeterse Motorcrossclub.
The judge dismissed the prosecutors and brushed aside their arguments. This undoubtedly sets an important precedent in the fight for the preservation of motocross in Neeroeteren. Yet another battle has already been won, the war continues. Therefore, it is high time that the political world takes this statement to heart and realizes that it is high time to take action. We therefore expect nothing more or less than a strong signal from our politicians to finally put an end to the plans for the cross-country terrain in Neeroeteren.
You can expect a thorough analysis soon,
Kevin Moonen.