Vanop de Keiheuvel the Kemea Reytec Yamaha team went straight to the English Matterley Basin for the thirteenth GP of the season, where the first motocross festival took place this weekend. With all FIM classes at the start it was a busy but pleasant affair, all this under a radiant sun. Due to the injuries of Kevin Fors and Nathan Renkens the team came to the start battered. Ludovic Brevers was the first to start on Friday for his first manche.
After an 18th fastest time in qualifying, Ludovic was motivated to score points on the beautiful circuit. However, things went wrong in the first round and he crashed hard. He resumed the match in last position and fought to the end. He eventually crossed the finish line in 34th place.
The EMX 250 riders were the last to close the festival on Sunday evening. This time Ludovic got a better start and finished 1th after 16 lap. He held this position for the entire race and at the end Ludovic attacked for 15th place. Brevers is 22nd in the final standings and in the standings for the European Championship he is currently in 19th place with 2 games to go.
Kenny Vandueren was 20th at the starting gate on Sunday. In the first moto Kenny came through in 1th place after 17 lap. With a handful of riders fighting for the last points, Kenny had to go all out for the entire series. Ultimately he finished in 19th place, good for 2 points in the World Championship. In the second moto things went wrong for Kenny on the first lap. He fell and was only the last to resume the race. Kenny tried to restart the match but gave up after a few laps. In the final standings of the GP, Kenny finished 23rd. He is now 39th in the World Cup standings. Kevin Fors is currently 26th.
Kenny and Ludovic will compete in the fourth test for the Belgian Championship in Orp le Grand next weekend.