Published On: 7 maart 2012

VAccording to Le Soir, five-time world champion Georges Jobé has been struck by the blood disease myelodysplasia. This is a disease of the bone marrow that can lead to leukemia or blood cancer. Jobé will now undergo long-term chemotherapy.

Things haven't been going well for Jobé in recent years. In December 2007, the now 51-year-old Waal suffered a serious motorcycle fall in Dubai. Paralysis was feared for a long time, but after a long and difficult rehabilitation Jobé recovered. A few years ago he also had to deal with skin cancer, which he also overcame.

So it is clear that the 7-time Belgian champion is not a quitter and we sincerely hope that he also overcomes this tough obstacle.

Good luck to Georges and his loved ones!

Source: Sportwereld / Photo: CDS