Published On: 24 november 2011

Nace the BK motocross calendar the BMB has announced the complete calendar. The Belgian Sidecar Championship will consist of 2012 races in 7, the final traditionally takes place in Angreau at the same time as the Coupe de l'avenir. The Belgian Nationals cycle will run over 11 races next year. Both the competition in Herzele (July 22) and Eernegem (July 27) are new.

February 12 Lommel Opening Cross                       
March 18 Genk Belgian Nat + sidecar + quads
March 25 Wuustwezel International Cross             
13 May Lommel Belgian Nat + quads              
May 17 Axel Belgian Nat AMC Evergem
19/20 mei                    Rognée               Belgian Nat + sidecar                       MCC Beaumont
June 23/24 Kester-Gooik Sidecar + quads                        
1 July Species Belgian Nat+ quads
July 7/8 Genk World Championship sidecar MC Maasland Neeroeteren
14/15 July Nismes Belgian Nat + sidecar + quads       AMC Eau Noire -> date subject to change!
July 21 Axel (NL) Belgian Nat AMC Evergem
July 21/22 Herzele Belgian Nat + sidecar + quads AMC Evergem
July 27 Eernegem Belgian Nat + quads                
July 29 Genk Everts & Friends                  
August 1 Oudenburg Belgian Nat+ sidecar        
22/23 augustus Voie d'Avioth Belgian Nat MS Limes
29/30 september      Lommel                MX of Nations                          
6/7 oktober Angreau Coupe de l’avenir + sidecar