Published On: 17 juli 2011

The 7th RES club cross was held under not the best conditions, weather-wise, but it was certainly not the fault of the volunteers. On Friday we worked hard to prepare the circuit, which was a great success. The heavy rain that had fallen last week was not noticeable on the circuit on Saturday morning, it was just great. Unfortunately, the circuit and the riders were treated to heavy rain showers during the day.

65cc: The victory was by a large margin for the man from Amersfoort Kevin Buitenhuis, who dominated both rounds. Timo Dhanis (Terneuzen) took 2 second places. Jayden Hoek (Oost-Souburg) completed the top three. In the first series, Jayden Hoek had to ride without motocross goggles for a large part of the series, which was no fun. Brent van Delft (St.Amands) in turn took a decent fourth place in the day's results and is improving week after week, especially because this young man is growing considerably. In fifth place was the little “big” man from Gouda Mack Bouwense, who defended himself strongly with the small wheels and was able to start the return journey in the evening, tired but satisfied with a nice cup.
Daily results 65cc: 1. Kevin Buitenhuis, 2. Timo Dhanis, 3. Jayden Hoek, 4. Brent van Delft, 5. Mack Bouwense.

85 CC: Here were 13 riders at the start, with the favorites being the KNMV riders, Carsten Goedegebure Yerseke) and Jordan -Lee van Maaren (Vlissingen), who both took off like a rabbit immediately after the start and put on a great show, especially in the first series. by racing around the circuit wheel by wheel for almost the entire series. In the end it was Carsten Goedegebure who came out on top twice, showing that he is back on the road after a nasty injury and hopes to be able to perform again in the coming ONK matches. Jordan-Lee had a small slip in the second heat and had to settle for second place. Brent Vanhulsel  from Westerloo was the man in third place in both series. Joey de Wulf (Oostburg) sees that the many training rounds in Axel paid off with two fourth places as his share. Aron van de Veer (the man with a feather on his helmet) from Herkingen, who is also starting to find his feet better and better in the Axel sand, saw this rewarded with a fifth place and a cup in the final results.
Daily results 85cc: 1. Carsten Goedegebuure, 2. Jordan-Lee van Maaren, 3. Brent Vanhulsel, 4. Joey de Wulf, 5. Aron van de Veer.

MX-2 VT: Today in both series there was Joey Verwijs (Lepelstraat), who showed that he is in excellent shape and tolerated no opposition. He neatly won both series. Sven Goossen (Oost-Eeklo), who has a nice increasing form and is starting to ride better week after week, took second place. Aswin van Damme (Zuiddorpe), who also occasionally had to fight with the “youth”, shows that he has not yet been written off and still offers these boys a lot of resistance for the podium places. Aswin took third place in the day's results. Michael Bruyninkx (Lembeke), the revelation of the season, had a difficult match. Partly due to bad starts, it was a difficult match for him to get through the field every time. This put him in fourth place in the final standings. Siemon Bezuijen (Ouddorp) was the last one on the podium for a cup with a fifth place. One of our loyal RES riders Mathieu Afschrift (Ardooie) just missed the podium with sixth place. Today we also saw a returning Joost Gruben (Axel), who fought at the front for a number of laps in the first series, but unfortunately had a DNF in both series.
Daily results MX 3: 1. Joey Verwijs, 2. Sven Goossen, 3. Aswin Vandamme, 4. Michael Bruyninckx, 5. Siemon Bezuijen.

Veterans A: The victory, without surprise, for Jos Kesters (Opglabbeek) with 2 second places in the heats. Maikel van Goor (Vlissingen), who showed with a victory in the second series that he can still race quite a bit against the big guns with a 125 cc two-stroke machine. Ivan Robijn (Stekene) took third place in the final results. Dieter Hilleweg (Ghent) finished fourth on the podium. Christophe van de Ende (Wichelen) completed the top five. The winner of the first series Bart Schildermans (Opoeteren) experienced mechanical problems in the second series and saw his victory go up in smoke.
Daily results Veterans B: 1. Jos Kesters, 2. Maikel van de Goor, 3. Ivan Robijn, 4. Dieter Hilleweg, 5. Christophe van de Ende.

Veterans B: Here the battle becomes fiercer and fiercer. Today it was the man from Hoofdplaat, Ron Doppegieter, who took home the largest cup, but Doppegieter certainly did not receive this victory as a gift. In the second series he still had to beat Marc Standaert (Lembeke), who was able to take the victory in the second series and thus take second place in the final standings. Jos Machiels (Diepenbeek)  completed the top three with a second and third place. Kees Bogaerts (Roosendaal) and Martin Hoste (Stekene) managed to finish in 4th and 5th place. It promises to be an exciting end to the season in this veteran B class, because these veterans are really evenly matched and super motivated to compete with each other.
Daily results Veterans B: 1. Ron Doppegieter, 2. Marc Standaert, 3. Jos Machiels, 4. Kees Bogaerts, 5. Martin Hoste.

MX Open: By driving together in the series with the Licensees, it was a nice series with many overtaking maneuvers, where the driving was remarkably sporty. Ultimately, Gian-Carlo Buijs (Oost-Souburg) managed to win both series, but especially in the second series Gian-Carlo had to do everything he could to pass the 450CC bike of Patrick Piessens (Heikant). For laps it was Piessens who led the charge, but in the final phase he had to admit his superiority to Gian-Carlo Buijs. Patrick Piessens with 2 second places. Bart Seymortier (Adegem) was able to polish off his poorer results from recent weeks with a double three result. Martijn Roos (Zuiddorpe) dived into the sand a few times and had to settle for fourth place in the day's results. Jeffrey Martens (Fijnaart) was fifth to collect the last cup. Dario Tielen (Zwevele), back after his shoulder injury and starting to ride better and better again.
Daily results MX Open: 1. Gian-Carlo Buijs, 2. Patrick Piessens, 3. Bart Seymortier, 4. Martijn Roos, 5. Jeffrey Martens.

Licensees: Here the race management had come up with a nice solution for the 9 registered riders. Because the license holders ride a 3-minute longer series than the MX open men, the License holders were allowed to start three minutes earlier than the MX open, which meant that there were 14 extra riders on the track after two rounds of competition. This provided extra spectacle. It was Roy Gijsel (Heikant) who made it a true one-man show by riding both series quickly and smoothly to victory. Seemingly simple, but just a neat achievement. Wietse Brackman (Erondegem) came to participate in a training race in preparation for the upcoming European Championships and he also finished second twice in the day's results. Robin Bakens (Sint Pauwels) was also present, who is also in full training for the upcoming European Championships competition. Part of the second series was plagued by heavy rain showers, which meant Bakens had to ride without glasses for a large part, the result was two times three. Amateur  “license holder”  Jeroen Vanrijsselberghe (Aaigem)  managed to hold his own among these top players as usual. A very nice achievement for the student from Ghent with a fourth place as his share. Jordy van de Wiele (St.Jansteen) had a difficult first series due to a crash, but corrected this nicely in the second series with a third place, meaning Jordy was still able to take home a cup in the day's results, with a fifth place in the daily rankings. Occasional rider Wim Vanderheyden (Halle) also used this race as preparation for the upcoming “Six days Enduro World Championship” this year in Finland, which often takes place on sand circuits. He blended neatly into the battle between the other riders.

An extensive gallery of photos from this competition here.

Daily results: 1. Roy Gijsel, 2. Wietse Brackman, 3. Robin Bakens, 4. Jeroen Vanrijsselberghe, 5. Jordi van de Wiele.

Next appointment after the holidays: RES clubcross 8 Saturday August 27