Mika Ahola has just won his fourth consecutive E2 world title with the Team Honda HM Zanardo team. Mxmag caught up with the flying Finn just before he left for vacation. We talked about his new world title, how he adapted to the injection on the CRF450R and also about his plans for next season…
What does this new world title mean for you personally?
Mika Ahola: “It means that I am still the best in my category. Even though I am already thirty-six years old. I also have to say that for me this was the best season of my career. Especially because I was already certain of the title with two days to go!”
A fourth world title in a row is nothing short of impressive! How do you do that to generate that motivation every season?
Mika Aloha: "I've had enough bad luck to know how important it is to ride in a good team and with a good bike. Now I have both, I'm not going to stop until I can't ride anymore! I waited eleven years to get my first world title. So it will take a while before I get jaded or satisfied by victories!"
How did you develop the injection on the CRF450R during the last season?
Mika Aloha: “During the preseason I tried different mappings for the injection and ignition. With the help of HRC (Honda Racing Corporation) in Japan, I managed to find some mappings that worked really well. In fact, there was one mapping that worked for all matches. Except for Poland where we had to drive in the sand. For this GP I used a more aggressive mapping. This allowed the motorcycle to clear the sand verges faster. In addition to the engine, we have also tested a lot, including the suspensions, but also the other parts to find the right settings for all types of terrain we have to deal with during the season. At the end of the day, it's little changes like this that make a big difference in the way I was able to push during a special.”
What are the benefits of gasoline injection on the CRF450R?
Mika Aloha: “We have had some tests with special ones at an altitude of more than 1000 m above sea level. This year was the first time I didn't have to worry about carburetion problems. The bike always ran perfectly, without the slightest malfunction. I was also able to change the mapping during the race by connecting cables and charging the correct mapping that we pre-programmed and tested. All in a few seconds without getting your hands dirty!”
You have already won titles in E1 and E2 with Team Honda-HM-Zanardo. What are your goals now?
Mika Aloha: “My next goal is of course to win the title in E3 against top players such as David Knight, Sébastien Guillaume and Simone Albergoni. In I lost the E3 title during the last special of the last day by six hundredths of a second. That's why I think it's high time I get my revenge in 2011!”
What do you do to relax between matches?
Mika Aloha: “I often look for water to relax. For example in Asia, during the holidays I often go diving. A few days in the water and I forgot all my worries and my competitors. My other hobby is mainly fishing. In the middle of the season you can often find me spending a few days at one of the lakes in Finland.”
How are you going to prepare yourself to win your next title?
Mika Aloha: ”The same way I have been preparing for the past years. From January I will be in the north of Spain to train. From there we will go to Italy several times to test the bike in different conditions and especially to build up my confidence in it. This way you push your limits day after day so that you are ready to attack the specials.”
Thanks for your time Mika!
Mika Aloha: “No problem, see you next season
Photos credit: Honda Pro Racing