Published On: 11 juli 2010

Kand Roczen was the big triumphant during the ADAC MX Masters round in Prisannewitz. Kevin Wouts was fifth twice.

ADAC MX Masters round 1: 1. Ken Roczen, 2. Florent Richier, 3. Angus Heidecke, 4. Nicolai Hansen, 5. Kevin Wouts, 6. Dimitry Parshin, 7. Dennis Baudrexl, 8. Petr Barto, 9. Cédric Soubeyras, 10. Günther Schmidinger

ADAC MX Masters round 2: 1. Ken Roczen, 2. Günther Schmidinger, 3. Dimitry Parshin, 4. Florent Richier, 5. Kevin Wouts, 6. Nicolai Hansen, 7. Dennis Baudrexl, 8. Filip Neugebauer, 9. Cédric Soubeyras, 10. Enrico Jache

De Red Bull Pro Nationals were already turning 6 this weekende round. The British motocross top, which is increasingly focusing on championships in its own country, met on the circuit of Pontrillas in South West England. PAR Honda's Brad Anderson won both series

Martin Barr won the MX2 in Pontrillas.

Pontrillas heat 1: 1. 1. Brad Anderson, 2. Stephen Sword, 3. Tom Church, 4. Alex Snow, 5. Martin Barr, 6 James Noble, 7. Ben Lamay, 8. Gert Krestinov, 9. Eliott Banks-Browne, 10 .Scott Elderfield

Pontrillas heat 2: 1. Brad Anderson, 2. Tom Church, 3. Stephen Sword, 4. Martin Barr, 5. Nathan Parker, 6. James Noble, 7. Eliott Banks-Browne, 8. Gert Krestinov, 9. Gordon Crockard, 10. Ben Lamay

Final score MX1 Pontrillas: 1. Brad Anderson, 2. Tom Church, 3. Stephen Sword, 4. James Noble, 5. Gert Krestinov,

Final score MX2 Pontrillas: 1. Martin Barr, 2. Elliott Banks-Browne, 3. Scott Elderfield, 4. Kristian Whatley, 5. Mattis Karro

The upcoming talents of the European Championship MX2 were in Slovenian Orehova Village working. Until now, Slovenia has hardly played a significant role in International Motocross, but this appears to be gradually changing. Home driver Clemen Gercar did not disappoint his fans and won both series. Italian European Championship leader Andrea Cervellin had a bad day and only finished 6the in the final score. Vamo Racing Suzuki rider Steven Lenoir managed to take advantage of this to close in on Cervellin in the standings. Lenoir finished third twice in the heats, but finished 2nd in the final standingse for his compatriot Valentin Guilloud. Cédric Lieber was the best Belgian with a 10e place, Vamo Racing Suzuki's Maarten Cremers finished 13the.

European Championship MX2 Orehova Vas final score: 1. Klemen Gercar (1-1), 2. Steven Lenoir (3-3), 3. Valentin Guilloud (2-4), 4. Jernej Irt, (6-6), 5. Michael Mercandino (4-9 ), 6. Andrea Cervellin (8-5), 7. Pier Filippo Bertuzzo (16-2), 8. Enrico Dal Vecchio (5-11), 9. Alessandro Valente (11-8), 10. Cédric Lieber (7 -12), 13. Maarten Cremers (10-17), 16. Julien Lieber (17-14), 17. Stijn Blom (18-15), 20. Bryan Boulard (DNF – 18)

The World Supermoto Championship visited the southern German town this weekend Saint Wendel On. On a Old school street circuit, TM Racing's Thomas Chareyre proved to be unbeatable. The Frenchman won the three races each time. Ivan Lazzarini and Bernd Hiemer were allowed to join Chareyre on the podium of the GP. Gérald Délépine turned out with a 6e place the best Lowlander in the Saarland. Marcel Van Drunen finished sixteenth, Eddy Seel seventeenth and Devon Vermeulen nineteenth.

Thomas Chareyre (TM) dominated the German Supermoto GP.

Results Supermoto GP Germany, Sankt-Wendel:

World Supermoto S1 Championship Final Standings: 1. Thomas Chareyre (1-1-1), 2. Ivan Lazzarini (4-3-2), 3. Bernd Hiemer (8-4-3), 4. Davide Gozzini (3-5-8), 5 Mauno Hermunen (2-2-16), 6. Gérald Délépine (5-7-5), 7. Paolo Gaspardone (11-8-9), 8. Thierry van den Bosch (11-8-9), 9 Adrien Chareyre (DNF-9-4), 10. Andrea Occhini (7-19-7), 16. Marcel van Drunen (10-12-18), 17. Eddy Seel (14-14-15), 19. Devon Vermeulen (17-16-19)

European Supermoto Open Final Standings: 1. Petr Vorlicek, 2. Uros Nastran, 3. Alberto Dall'era, 4. Fabrizio Bartolini, 5. Massimiliano Porfiri, 15. Ruurd Van Rozendaal, 23. Ayrton Courbet, 27. Huub Mesters

Little enthusiasm for the Interclass VMCF competition in Ypres. Only eight Inters riders traveled to the Cat City. Vincent Collett logically won both series, the overall at the Inters and the class victory at the Inters MX2.

Results VMCF Ypres:

Inters + Nationals Open series 1: 1. Vincent Collet, 2. Frédéric Weigert, 3. Kevin Reynaert, 4. Steve Lambiotte, 5. Mike Gilot, 6. Stany Debruyne, 7. Pascal Poncelet, 8. Niels Meganck, 9. Stijn Roelant, 10. Matthias Blommaers

Inters + Nationals Open series 2: 1. Vincent Collet, 2. Frédéric Weigert, 3. Kevin Reynaert, 4. Mike Gilot, 5. Steve Lambiotte, 6. Pascal Poncelet, 7. Bart Regheere, 8. Gregory De Potter, 9. Stijn Roelant, 10. Michael Van Hoolandt

Final score Inters MX1: 1. Pascal Poncelet, 2. Bart Hoolants

Final score Inters MX2: 1. Vincent Collet, 2. Frédéric Weigert, 3. Kevin Reynaert, 4. Mike Gilot

Final score Inters B Open: 1. Steve Lambiotte, 2. Stany Debruyne

Peter Iven was the surprising final winner at the Inters MX1-MX3 during the VLM Cross on the Oosterbergen in Tessenderlo. After series leader Jelle Grade suffered a mechanical problem, it was Jonathan Banken who surprisingly won the first series. Grade put things in order after the break by winning the second series. That was enough for the BeTeMo-Yamaha rider to conquer the last podium step. Jonathan Banken became the overall winner of the Inters MX2.

Results VLM Tessenderlo:

MX2 toppers Jonathan Banken and Wesley Verheyen beat the MX1 men in the first series!

Inters Open series 1: 1. Jonathan Banken, 2. Wesley Verheyen, 3. Peter Iven, 4. Sven Scheynen, 5. Ronny Van Hove, 6. Kenny Janssens, 7. Lode Van Vlasselaer, 8. Sven Wouters, 9. Jurgen Bijnens, 10. Yannick Hannes

Inters Open series 2: 1. Jelle Grade, 2. Jonathan Banken, 3. Kenny Janssens, 4. Marco Briers, 5. Peter Iven, 6. Wesley Verheyen, 7. Sven Wouters, 8. Jurgen Bijnens, 9. Tom Cuyvers, 10. Glenn Berghmans

Final score Inters MX1/MX3: 1. Peter Iven, 2. Kenny Janssens, 3. Jelle Grade, 4. Sven Wouters, 5. Sven Scheynen, 6. Tom Cuyvers, 7. Glenn Berghmans, 8. Gerry Van Den Brande, 9. Tom Coeckelbergs, 10. Gunther Truyens

Final score Inters MX2: 1. Jonathan Banken, 2. Wesley Verheyen, 3. Marco Briers, 4. Ronny Van Hove, 5. Jurgen Bijnens, 6. Yannick Hannes, 7. Lode Van Vlasselaer, 8. Jimmy Vandeputte, 9. Kristof Peeters

Final score Inters B Open: 1. Jurgen Vervloessem, 2. Benny Willemsen, 3. Kevin Van Der Weehe, 4. Jeroen Thijs

Photos credit: Steve Bauerschmidt, RedBull Pro Nationals,Youthstream,